Wednesday 13 March 2013

Join Our Team!

If you enjoy working as a team and being part of the community why not join us? We provide free, independent and impartial advice to help people tackle their everyday problems.


Paid Debt Specialist / Caseworker

We are looking for a committed, enthusiastic and adaptable person to join our team to provide specialist debt advice from our offices in Saffron Walden and Great Dunmow. Last year our team helped 99 families and individuals in serious debt who were facing severe stress and anxiety.  If you have recent and ongoing experience in the field of debt advice we would love to hear from you. 18+ hours a week, days negotiable.  Closing date 20th March. 
For an application pack go to

There are also a wide range of exciting volunteer opportunities coming up at Uttlesford CAB in the next few months: 



We are currently looking for trustees with marketing, fundraising, human resources or legal skills.  These roles require occasional daytime and evening meetings and a time commitment of approximately 2 days per month.  Our trustees are responsible for the setting the direction of the organisation and helping it to remain solvent so these roles give you an  opportunity to make a real difference to the effectiveness and sustainability of our charity.

General Advisers (based at Great Dunmow)

Advisers spend time with clients to help them research and explore options, make decisions, complete forms, write letters or make phone calls.  They may also negotiate with third parties.  Training begins in April. 

Money Advice Volunteers

Help clients get their finances straight. This could include helping them sort out their paperwork and bills, find savings, look at ways to tackle debt issues or just helping people to better manage their money. Training begins in May.

Flexible Volunteers

We sometimes have projects or activities that just require short bursts of volunteer time – a perfect role for anyone who just wants to commit to an odd day here or there.  If you enjoy working in a team and getting involved in the community why not go on our fundraising register?  We may contact you to ask for help with a street collection, food bank or a fundraising event.  Your support is very much appreciated.   

We love people with Language Skills who can act as occasional translators and would dearly like a volunteer who is confident communicating in British Sign Language.


For more information and detailed role descriptions please go to or email

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